Saturday, December 22, 2012

I've had a question lodged; its presence has been subtle and strong. I've found, as water quickly rots a once sturdy standard floor -- so too this doubt has kept on creeping and separated what's like my floorboards from my tile. And so finally I spoke this out, and have arrived now to construct a sturdier than standard foundation upon which I'm hoping now to stand.

From Adam hence has man been found with sin. It was known that through indulgence he was to imbibe and pass to us all the odious flavor of a soul soaked with this. No man thereafter was birthed to contain a soul without need of restoration. So it has been; God has beautifully made a way for man to reach Him -- a well-pleasing fact to my soul, but this precursor has now been laid upon me, and I have since writhed in an unrest that has found no relief.

Be it in sin that man is conceived, it is strange that God would create all within this knowledge. His plan, while glorious in redemption, has baffled as I've thought, why this creation at all -- if it be known that man will despise, turn from, and fail all marks defining greatness -- if a humming perfection of fellowship existed, light was undiminished, holiness undisturbed, why was man thus ever created? -- why was wrath amassed, judgment enacted, standards established, when all before was swirled up in delight in the perfect sustaining of His word? So, I spoke this -- and in fear, with a tremulous mind and forgetting my dignity, I questioned His kind; He arrived with words I could know, and changed my perspective of my wandering here below.

I realized that Beauty is to be shared. Mere possessors may pet and guard a beautiful thing, but when one properly beholds beauty, he is compelled far out of himself and must share what he has seen or created. Here is the crux: God did not create man for some pleasure He found in seeing his insufficiency, his dire need of Himself, or any other contrived analysis -- HE created US because of the immensity of His glory, and the unremitting effulgence of His radiance -- He created us broken, battered, sin-loving critics because there was so much beauty and glory swallowed up in the Godhead that it simply had to be shared. Adam's sin was neither a surprise, a deterrent or forfeiture of the otherwise preserved splendor that radiated before sin was hatched -- His beauty has only ever been consummately welded fast with Sovereign wisdom, not only in continually procuring His glory in Himself, but that He might also order events and acts to receive more adoration through the intricate weaving's and workings in the hearts and lives of sinful man. Regardless of the how and the why, our God contains such a burgeoning store of superabundant goodness and splendor that He simply had to breach time to enter humanity and birth Himself out of eternity as a dust-made man like myself. This has He done -- this entrance of Light, transforming darkness, restoring our sight. For as the old hymn says: No more will sin and sorrow grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He'll come and make the blessings flow far as the curse was found. And this, my friends -- He -- was birthed thus, in a cradle, all laden with straw, the Light of the world penetrating darkness, for as it is written "4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overwhelm (comprehend) it."

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